Toss over the Transom

13 June 2009

I submitted a version of Indifference, Indecision, and Coin-Flipping to a journal this morning. In that context, I'm going make the working version more generally available.

For those who want to wade through the mathematics but find mysterious some of the notation or the formal notion of a Cartesian product or of a relation, there is a quick-and-dirty explanation of some of that infrastructure.

For those who, instead, want to get the basic ideas without carefully following the math or confronting the proofs, there is a Gentler Guide. It would be helpful, though perhaps not necessary, to have the original paper at hand when reading the Gentler Guide.

I might someday write a Gentler-Still Guide, with even less of the mathematical formalities, but such a treatment would either replace those formalities with verbal constructions that were themselves difficult to follow, or would necessarily discard an even greater amount of the content from the original paper.

If one has a question or questions (concerning this work) not answered by one of the three papers, a comment to this 'blog entry is about as good a way of asking as any.

By far, most submissions to the better reputed economics journals are simply rejected, and I have submitted to what may be the most prestigious economics journal. I am hoping to receive either a simple acceptance or a directive to revise and resubmit. (With economics papers in general, the latter is more common that the former, and is typically seen as good news.) If the paper is simply rejected, then (assuming that no fatal and irreparable flaws were found in the work) the next thing to do is to modify it, as much as seems reasonable, in light of any comments from the referees (reviewers) and from the editor, and submit it to one of the best remaining journals that I think might accept it.

It can take months for referees to actually read a given paper, and between the time that a paper is first submitted to its first journal and it is published in some journal (assuming that the paper is indeed ever published) can be a matter of years. Unsurprisingly, I hope for a faster resolution than that.

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