'Blog Blues
12 July 2019DreamHost, the hosting service that I use, recently broke this 'blog in at least two ways.
First, they deleted one or more files from my installation of Wordfence, which deletion crippled security. Second, they corrupted the database that underlies the 'blog, causing an old entry on usernames to be very imperfectly duplicated, with a date-stamp of 30 June 2019.
I noticed the problems in the wake of an up-dating of the operating system used by DreamHost; I infer that something went wrong in that process.
I contacted DreamHost and then stewed for some days, leaving things as they were to allow the support staff to set things right. They repaired the installation of Wordfence, offering an implausible conjecture about what had gone wrong. They did not repair the database appropriately.
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